Odisha gk for JT | General Knowledge 2023


Q1. Which district has became the first district in Odisha, to be child marriage free district in the state ?

(A) Khorda
(B) Cuttack
(C) Puri
(D) Ganjam

Extra Fact

National Family Health Survey-5 held in (2019-2021) show his data that 27% of Rural area population and 14.7% of Urban population are married below 18 years of his/her age. 

​In the 19th century the marriageable age for women was 10 years 

​ Between 1949 to 1978 the marriage age for women is 15 .

​In 1978 an amendment was passed under the child marriageable age for girls 18 years

​In 2006 the government of India enacted the prevention of child marriage act the PCMA that replaced CMRA.


​POSCO ACT prevent sexual crime against children in india.

Let's Know "Who Is Child"

The majority act 1875 sets the age of majority at 18.

​61th constitutional amendment act fix the minimum voting is at 18

​Posko act 2012 and juvenile justice act 2015 define a child as someone under of 18.

​Right to education act 2019 says child someone between the age of 6 to 14.

​Child labour amendment act 2016 says a child is some under the age of 14 and the adolescent is between 14 to 18.

Q2. Chief Justice of which state has requested the lawyers to avoid using Term like 'My Lord ' "Your Honor" while addressing the judge of the high Court

 (A) Kerala
(B) Andhra pradesh
(C) west Bengal
(D) Odisha

Extra Fact

A name of the chief justice of Orissa high Court Dr Justice S Muralidhar

5th July 1948 de declaring that there shall be a Court of the province of Odisha.

​issue. In June 8,1948 the date of establishment

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